Getting Started - The Program

Welcome to the Clean and Lean Challenge 18!! – Our 4 weeks nutrition program is tailored to reset your eating habits and give you a kick-start to an overall healthier approach to food and is a great way to start your year off on the right foot!

This program will challenge you physically and mentally. It will test your resolve to truly want to make positive change in your life and concurrently challenge long-held beliefs. What constitutes healthy eating and what the mass-media tells us is "healthy" eating are perhaps not the same thing, but more on this in our seminars.

The UFIT Clean and Lean Challenge has successfully changed the lives of hundreds of individuals over its time and we are so glad to have you join us on this journey. It will be testing, you may fall off the wagon occasionally but it will be worth it! And you have the support of the whole UFIT Nutrition team along your journey too! So let’s get started!!


What To Expect Over The Next 4 Weeks

The program will begin by cutting out sugar, highly processed foods and other common carbohydrate sources that are being over consumed in today’s society. Doing this will both remove your reliance on sugar as well as cleanse your body from food that affect your gastric tract, digestion and general health - allowing us to get back to an internal “clean slate”. As human beings, our primary fuel source is our body fat. This is why we store fat in the first place. Unfortunately, modern diets have evolved to create a reliance on sugar for energy that is easier for the body to access. Give half a chance, however, the body knows how to use fat as fuel and this is what we want it to do over the next 4 weeks.

Then week-by-week, we will reintroduce different food groups into your diet in a measured way. The weekly food updates will be shared with you both during the weekly Saturday seminar and via email in case you cannot attend the seminars. We also have our closed Facebook group that will be a great place to have all your questions answered as we go along.

This is a group program so is not individualized, however, the guidelines we give you can be applied to everyone. It is then up to you to listen to your body as you go through the program as it knows you best and is constantly giving you signs of what it wants.

Potential Adverse Side Effects

The challenge is a type of cleanse and you are about to abstain from possibly one of the most addictive substances on the food market today... Sugar. This is why there is no fruit (except avocado), dairy, alcohol, wheat, grains, gluten and no alternative sugars as they all contain sugar in different forms. Rest assured that the foods included in this plan have more than enough nutrients, vitamins, minerals for you to meet your daily needs.

Some of the common side affects you may notice will come in the first 5 days of the plan and may include headaches, nausea, skin breakouts, lack of energy and dizzy feelings. These are all normal and occur due to the body withdrawing from its reliance on sugar. Please do not give up at this stage! This is a process your body needs to go through in order to come out the other side feeling amazing!!! Throughout our previous challenges, we have seen these symptoms time and time again and have seen the results, so please stick with it unless you have a health concern, in which case please always seek professional medical advice.

Positive Side Effects

The list is endless....Reduced body fat, reduced weight, fewer energy fluctuations, more energy, clearer skin, brighter whiter eyes, reduced bad cholesterol levels, reduced blood pressure, increased training performance, increased insulin sensitivity, less blood sugar crashes in the afternoon, reduced hunger and decreases cravings and much more!

Getting Prepared:

Being prepared is so important when embarking on this program. When we are caught un-prepared we are more likely to not stick to the plan and as a result not get the most out of it. Below are some key things we encourage you to do to prepare yourself both physically and mentally for the 4 weeks ahead:

  • Prepare Your Home & Office
  • Drink Water
  • Plan Your Meals
  • Sleep
  • Ask For Support

Firstly, clear out all the un-allowed food from your house and work space. Getting rid of all possible temptations will help you keep on track with the plan.

Drink plenty of water – ideally 2-3 litres a day. This will ensure effective removal of waste products from your body during the cleanse phase and will also keep you feeling full.

Preparation is key. Make sure to always have healthy foods accessible so you don’t get stuck in a place where you are surrounded by temptations.

We strongly advise you to try to get at least 8 hours of sleep a night if possible. Lack of sleep increases the stress hormone cortisol, which increases hunger and fat storage. It also reduces the growth hormone production. Growth hormone aids fat loss.

Tell friends, family and work colleagues what you are doing. Let them know your goals and ask for their support. Doing this will not only make the journey more rewarding as you will be sharing it with others but by making this commitment to the ones closest to you, you will also be more likely to stick to the plan and hold yourself accountable.

Facebook Support Group

We have created a closed Facebook Group that only those on this Challenge can access. As per the email confirmation you received when registering, there is a link to this page so please go there and ask to join the group


We will live stream the seminars on the facebook page above at the below times in Singapore.

Dates and times are:

  • Saturday 13th of January 11:15am
  • Saturday 20th of January 11:15am
  • Saturday 27th of January 11:15am
  • Saturday 3rd of February 11:15am

We have also included our exclusive Clean & Lean Cookbook below for you to download and enjoy some amazing recipes. Remember to stick the recipes for the week.

Finally...Good luck with Week One!

Wendy Riddell

UFIT Clean & Lean Cookbook 2017.pdf
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